
close up of old man in turban fruit seller men in market with caged chickens village woman in doorway and bicycle

These few pages will show you something of Singida, a town in central Tanzania, East Africa. You will see what life is like there, how the people live, what they do and something of the surroundings and topology.

I would encourage those who just pass through on the way to the next game park or other tourist destination, to stop off a day or two and have a look at some 'real life' in rural Tanzania.

I spent three months in Singida between July and September 2002. The day after I arrived, as I walked along a busy, dusty, sandy street, lined with small shops and stalls and heard music which brought to mind the Caribbean, I smiled to myself and realised that I was starting to like the place.

The town has a certain charm. The bustle in the market and surrounding small business streets, gives the place a lively feel. People-watching is an activity I find fascinating, and there are plenty of opportunities for that in the town and nearby villages.

Site Description & Navigation
This site has brief descriptions of the climate, surroundings and practicalities of visiting Singida but the majority consists of over a hundred photographs.

The pages in this site are accessed via the Navigation panel on the left.
Clicking on a small photograph will enlarge it. Clicking on a large photo will normally show you the next photo in the same topic unless accessed from an introduction page such as this one, when clicking will take you back.